(714) 363-7996

Your spunky, quirky, easy going BFF
Welcome, friends! I’m glad you could make it. Come explore my website: You’ll find all about myself, my voice-over career, latest projects, and maybe even a few photos of my pups. I appreciate your interest and involvement in my professional endeavors and can’t wait to hear from you.

I act sure, but I do so much more.
The Story So Far

From an early age I showed an affinity for the arts. I took tap dance starting at age 2, began acting at age 5, and I cut up my mother’s expensive dining table cloth to make outfits for my Barbie’s at age 3.
I grew up in Orange County where I studied at South Coast Repertory for years in my youth. I went on to study at the Orange County School of the Arts in the Integrated Arts program. Most people shudder at thought of high school, but I wouldn’t be who I am today without the amazing guidance and expertise of my teachers at OCSA.
After graduating from Cal State Fullerton with a BA in psychology, I went to do what any aspiring actor does: Work at Disneyland on the World Famous Jungle Cruise. Nothing prepares you to get behind the mic like, well, getting behind the mic. I drove humans around the jungles of the world for 5 years and loved every minute of it (okay, the summers were brutal).
Today I live in LA with my two dogs, Daisy and Henry. I love animation and comedy, but have also grown a specific love for the art of commercial copy. I play Dungeons and Dragons and even stream a weekly playtest of a new RPG called Capes and Caverns.
My voice (and personality, frankly) has been described as fun, charming, wacky, relatable, and genuine. I studied voice-over with the Voicecaster and am always looking to take new classes. Come see me on Instagram and Twitter where I post my musings, art, and dog pics!